
Menunjukkan catatan yang berlabel credit record

CCRIS and How Banks Evaluate Your Credit Record

What is CCRIS CCRIS is a centralized system under Bank Negara which compiles data on your outstanding loan amount and payment history for the past 12 months, at any given time. Any records older than 12 months are “purged”. If you are late in payment (lets say 6 months outstanding in Feb 2017) but you have paid off the outstanding in March 2017, the records will still show February = 6 months, March = 0 months, April = 0 months. As CCRIS is a report for 12 month period, the 6 months in arrears records will only ‘disappear’ in February 2016 (12 months later). You just cannot erase or request to clear it before that, as it is a rolling report. If it shows, for example, 2 2 2 2 – -, meaning your loan has been due for 2 payments for 4 months. Everyone has their CCRIS report which can be retrieved by financial bodies and by the individual himself, but not by other people. In other words, your eligibility for loan has nothing to do with how well you know your banker (although that